Subjective Atlas of Hungary
Write us if you are interested in a reprint!
English/Hungarian, 192 full-colour pages, 16.5 x 22 cm
Write us if you are interested in a reprint!
English/Hungarian, 192 full-colour pages, 16.5 x 22 cm
Write us if you are interested in a reprint!
English/Hungarian, 192 full-colour pages, 16.5 x 22 cm
Is it possible to draw a portrait of contemporary Hungary with only one pencil, hold by many? Could we map its controversial optimism and pessimism, proud and poetry in one single book? Fifty young visual authors were invited to put Hungary in perspective. Rather than folkloristic clichés, the authors present disarming personal visions based on involvement. Bound together they shed light on today’s spirit; from the most characteristic vernacular buildings to waterside houses and recycled fences, from the best and worst things in life to innocent nursery rhymes and national fraud, from wine spritzer and salty sticks to vegetable gardens and soldout products. These unconventional stories together express the way cultural identity is continuously in motion, influenced from many sides, and multicultural by definition. As Lajos Parti Nagy puts it in his introduction: “Whoever encounters this strange and self-evident book, can learn strange and self-evident things about Hungary.”
CONCEPT & EDITING: Annelys de Vet
CURATOR & EDITING: Bujdosó Attila
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Borsa Aliz, Annelys de Vet with the assistance of Anna Kasnyik and in collaboration with all contributors INTRODUCTION: Parti Nagy Lajos CONTRIBUTORS: Barcza Gergely, Borsa Aliz, Borsa Béla, Borsos János, Bölecz Lilla, Budavári Dóra, Bujdosó Attila, Czél Mátyás, Csík-Kovács Zoltán, Evva Ambrus, Farkas Kata, Feles Dániel, Fischer Judit, Frank Béla, Gelencsér Judit, Cristina Groşan, Hajdu Bence, Hajdu Gáspár, Kapitány Eszter, Kasnyik Anna, Kele Sára,
Kerekes Kata, Kiss László, Korponovics Roland, Kovács Budha Tamás, Kovács Zoltán, Léderer Sándor, Lőrinc Lilla, Madarassy Anikó, Mákó Rozi, Mészáros Zsuzska, Molnár Zsolt, Navratil Judit, Novák Péter János, Pál Rebeka, Papp Gábor, Papp Zsolt, Pásztor Eszter, Polányi Petra, Porpáczy Zoltán, Puklus Péter, Rastätter Linda, Rácz Miklós, Sirály Dóri, Smiló Dávid, Soltész Noémi, Steiner Balázs Miklós, Szemző Zsófia, Szolga Zsófi, Tábori András, Tömör Miklós, Varga Szilvia Marcella
Kitchen Budapest, HVG Könyvek, 2011
ISBN 978-963-304-058-4
other Atlases.