Subjective mapping of Belgium

Spring 2011


On the invitation of design tutor Annelies Vaneycken, Subjective Editions conducted a workshop with design students in Brussels to map Belgium from their embodied perspective. In less than ten days the students developed a colourful series of alternative flags, and mapped their country through the scars on their body, their habits, the long streets, the salted fries and the grey weather. The workshop resulted in an exhibition and 50 unique publications with a red, yellow or black cover.


Workshop Hogeschool Sint Lukas Brussels, 22 March – 1 April 2011

During the early spring of 2011, twelve master's students TYPO/GRAPHICS from the Hogeschool Sint Lukas Brussels imagined a Subjective atlas of Belgium in which they put their country into perspective from a personal point of view. Although the political impasse over what Belgium should be continues, the students mapped it out in a disarming, surprising and revealing way in the blink of an eye.

Jana Bekaert: “Whether we still believe in Belgium or not, our identity as Belgians influences us in all areas of our lives. With this subjective atlas, the Sint Lukas Brussels master's degree students want to give the reader a glimpse of ‘their Belgium’.”


Opening exhibition at Hogeschool Sint Lukas Brussels, 1 April 2011



Annelies Vaneycken and her students Sanne van den Oord, Belinda de Bruyn, Veerle Deschufeleer, Frea Matthijsen, Elke Brothers, Jana Bekaert, Eveline Meijering, Jana Keppens, Marieke Crabbé, Tessa Persoons, Sara Declerq



Subjective e-Atlas of Belgium

Other mappings


Subjective mapping of Hungary


Subjective mapping of Mexico