Subjective mapping of the Netherlands


Autumn 2004 — Autumn 2005

Invited by Subjective Editions (Annelys de Vet) over three dozen students of the Design Academy Eindhoven have charted their personal observations of the Netherlands graphically and visually. Individual involvement was the starting point in order to be able to look at things from ever-changing perspectives. Endless lines, connections and highlights; from mixed couples in love and eating our daily bread, to zapping from brand to brand and musing on gently forgotten guilders. Insights emerged about the immoderate export of arms and how the headlines fueled a fear so indeterminate. Thinking of Holland, clichés deminished, supposed values fell. And in that vacuum, everyone sketched their own boundaries. The unconventional images that arose from this, and are bundled in this atlas, provide a surprising insight into what currently binds and distinguishes us, the inhabitants of the Netherlands.


Book launch with all contributing students, Design Academy Eindhoven, November 2005


The image of the Netherlands is turning on its axis. Old images no longer cover the load and new ones are sought without direction. In this confusing timeframe, globalization increases the need to determine one's place. Where many things start to resemble each other, the individual seeks something to hold on to. The magnetic images of the mass media seem to lead one to believe that the Netherlands is in crisis. From the need to adjust this image - or at least to put it into perspective - this Subjective Atlas of the Netherlands has emerged.


Display of flags on textiel and the atlas in the window of Van Piere bookshop, Eindhoven, november 2005

An exhibition was organised at the TU in Eindhoven, with a selection of the contributions enlarged and placed in space, November 2006








Other mappings


Subjective mapping of Palestine


Subjective mapping of the EU, from an Estonian point of view